Bird City

Village of Ephraim - 2024 Plaque Insert - Bird City (002)

History of the Bird City Program

In March 2002, leading bird conservation organizations in Wisconsin created a cooperative partnership called the Wisconsin Bird Conservation Initiative (WBCI), which is part of the National Bird Conservation Initiative.

The goal of this coalition is to work in close coordination to deliver the full spectrum of bird conservation statewide, emphasizing voluntary stewardship.

To date, 167 organizations - from the statewide Audubon Council to local bird clubs and bird-related businesses - have endorsed WBCI’s principles in support of bird conservation.

These include:

  • Focus on the full array of wild bird species
  • Promote voluntary partnerships
  • Promote conservation based on the best available scientific information
  • Take an ecological landscape approach
  • Share knowledge to encourage voluntary stewardship and bird-based recreation

WBCI’s Urban Committee introduced the concept for Bird City Wisconsin early on, based on the success of the Arbor Day Foundation’s Tree City USA program. They wanted a program that could do for communities and their bird life what Tree City USA has managed to accomplish in the field of urban forestry.

In 2009, WBCI members received a planning grant for Bird City Wisconsin through the Together Green program, a unique alliance between the National Audubon Society and Toyota. During this initial phase of the program, the Milwaukee Audubon Society is serving as the program’s fiscal agent and the Schlitz Audubon Center is its home base.

The Village of Ephraim joined the Bird City Program in 2012.

Below you will find community information regarding Ephraim and the Bird City designation.

Describe organized bird monitoring or data obtained from researchers or volunteers in the local park system.  

Bird monitoring includes phenology records for both Peninsula State Park and Ephraim. More than 18 years of data, and ongoing. Rare data is also filed with the Natural Heritage Inventory.

Provide evidence (e.g., official designation of natural areas, easements, etc.) that existing bird habitat within community limits has legal protection. (Exclusions: Leash laws; prohibitions against disturbing nests and wildlife; areas consisting primarily of mowed grass)

Though Peninsula State Park safeguards 3,775 acres, Ephraim’s smaller holdings are just as compelling. The Ephraim Preserve at Anderson Pond is a 27-acre Door County Land Trust property. Ephraim resident Susan Peterson has documented 31 nesting species along the site’s ancient beach ridge and wooded bluffs. Another interesting area is the Ephraim Wetlands Preserve located south of the Village. A quiet hike through this site’s maze of boardwalks delivers sightings of migrating Song Sparrows in May, the “teacher-teacher-teacher” sound of the Ovenbird, and (if you’re very, very lucky) a glimpse of a different kind of flying jewel, the endangered Hines Emerald Dragonfly documented there several years ago. This site was saved from development nearly two decades ago.

Of course, it’s the shoreline that residents and visitors can’t get enough of; nor can the birds. It’s a cinch to spot Mallards and Ring-billed Gulls. Bring along binoculars and you’ll see much more. Until Green Bay freezes over, you can also catch a glimpse of Bufflehead and Common Goldeneye Ducks offshore. Come summer, Bonaparte's Gulls may stop over in the water across from Wilson’s Restaurant. Killdeer stick around all summer while other shorebirds, such as the Least Sandpiper, skitter across the sand flats, poking longish bills in search of snails before journeying further north.

“The Ephraim Business Council thanks the Village of Ephraim, Peninsula State Park and community members for their partnership in gaining Bird City designation for Ephraim,” said Willems. “The park is an asset to our community. This designation compliments the diverse offerings of the village and we hope it opens doors to future collaboration.”

To find out more about best places to bird in Peninsula State Park call the Nature Center at 920-854-5976. For directions to birding areas in Ephraim, contact the Ephraim Visitor Information Center at 920-854-4989 or visit their website. Bird sightings are routinely posted at the Friends of Peninsula State Park Facebook site, too.

Ephraim Preserve at Anderson Pond. Located in the Village of Ephraim, this 27-acre wetland complex is surrounded by an ancient beach ridge and wooded bluffs. Cooperation between the Anderson family, the Door County Land Trust, and Village representatives enabled preservation of this landscape and demonstrates the willingness of the Village to set aside land for wildlife habitat.

Anderson Pond is the destination for hikes conducted by Sue Peterson during the Fyr Bal Festival. In addition to hikes led by this local bird expert, a Bird City table was staffed by volunteers to promote bird stewardship and familiarize visitors and Ephraim residents with the initiative.

Ephraim Wetlands Preserve. Two looped trails meander through seven acres of a northern hardwood swamp. The land was once slated for development and partially cut over, but local residents worked with Ephraim Village representatives to rescue it. Boardwalks make the most of the trail system accessible. Nature interpretation enhances the visitor’s experience. Invasive species work includes the removal of Japanese Barberry, often spread by birds. See online for more information.

Document that there is a segment of the Great Wisconsin Birding and Nature Trail or a designated Important Bird Area within or adjacent to your community.

The Village of Ephraim and Peninsula State Park partnered to gain Bird City recognition. Bird City status recognizes the importance of Peninsula and Ephraim as a migration corridor, as Wisconsin Great Birding Trail destinations, and as places attractive to eco-tourists.

“The people who fought to establish Peninsula knew it was an irreplaceable landscape,” said Peninsula Naturalist Kathleen Harris, who worked on the Bird City application with the Ephraim Business Council’s Tourism Administrator. “Some of those people were Ephraim residents and along the way, they set aside wonderful gems in their own village.”

Community Forest Management

Firewood Movement. Peninsula State Park has actively educated Door County residents, local businesses and tourists since 2008 about forest pests and diseases associated with the movement of firewood, in particular the Emerald Ash Borer. Park personnel confiscate firewood that enters the park illegally. The park superintendent sent an informational letter to local businesses about firewood restrictions. Naturalists conduct routine programs for families about forest issues. A firewood article is published annually in the park newspaper, now a magazine (circulation of 27,000).

EAB Purple Traps. Since 2011, Peninsula State Park in cooperation with DNR foresters and the Department of Agriculture, hangs and monitors Emerald Ash Borer traps. Prior to 2011, selected trees were girdled for early detection.

Beech Bark Disease. DNR Entomologists Bill McNee and Linda Williams have taken the lead in northern Door County (including Ephraim and Peninsula State Park) for early detection methods related to Beech Scale and Beech Bark Disease.

Invasive Species Management. Control of Buckthorn, Garlic Mustard, Japanese Barberry, and Honeysuckle has occurred on park property (including property in the village of Ephraim) since 2001. In 2010, Friends of Peninsula State Park worked with TopJobs (a diversity hiring program) and also hired private contractors whose primary duty was control of terrestrial invasives.

Plantation Thinning. DNR Forester Bill McNee has consulted with park property staff to thin several of the park’s 25 tree plantations. In 2011, inventory work along Highway 42 related to proposed thinning occurred. Buckthorn and honeysuckle are slated for eradication and control, which will be financially supported by Friends of Peninsula and government grants.

In the spring of 2013, field training on Beech Bark Disease was promoted and facilitated. DNR Forest Disease Specialist Linda Williams was one of the experts training participants on how to recognize the disease and manage it. The Beech Scale was monitored in the Peninsula in 2013.

Forest management continued at Peninsula State Park with the removal of invasive Honeysuckle along Highway 42. Scotch Pine will be removed from specific plantations in the park in 2014. Two purple traps were set up in Peninsula in 2013, and no Emerald Ash Beetles were detected.

This past October (2015) loggers selectively thinned a number of conifer plantations and removed Scotch pine on a variety of small parcels throughout the park. The goal was to remove the non-native honeysuckle and species often planted for Christmas trees that can be invasive, competing with or displacing native vegetation. The scope of the project encompasses 72 acres throughout the park. The logging continued through March 2016 and then resumed again in late October 2016 through March 2017.

Limiting or Removing Threats to Birds

Describe your community’s educational program to control free-roaming cats and/or the manner in which you actively publicize the Cats Indoors! initiative.

“The Truth about Cats and Wildlife.” This American Bird Conservancy Flyer “mini-flyer” was laminated and posted at the Ephraim Information Center and the White Cedar Nature Center. Take-home copies are also available for visitors.

“Keeping Cats Indoors Isn’t Just for the Birds.” This American Bird Conservancy flyer was laminated and posted at the Ephraim Information Center and the White Cedar Nature Center.

Cat’s Indoors Coloring Page. Copies of this American Bird Conservancy coloring page were photocopied and made available to young visitors at the Ephraim Information Center and the White Cedar Nature Center.

OTHER: Demonstrate in a narrative.

Participation in International Coastal Clean-upFor the past several years, visitors in Ephraim and Fish Creek have participated in the Great Lakes Alliance Coastal Clean-up during September. Peninsula State Park is the local sponsor.

Public Education

Demonstrate that your community is represented in at least one citizen science bird monitoring program (e.g., the Christmas Bird CountGreat Backyard Bird CountSwift Night Out).

Participation in the Christmas Bird Count. The Village of Ephraim has been represented in the annual Christmas Bird Count for numerous years now. Peninsula Park is a strong representative in the surveys. Also, Ephraim residents have conducted surveys in nearby Amble as well.

World Migratory Bird Day (WMBD)

This community's municipal body passed the required World Migratory Bird Day resolution.

Document and describe your event that incorporates the annual IMBD theme in some fashion. If the event has not yet occurred, please share your detailed plans. For information on the current year’s theme and event materials, please visit the World Migratory Bird Day website

The Village of Ephraim celebrates Fyr Bal Festival annually. Fyr Bal is the pillar Ephraim event, enjoyed by residents, business people, and visitors alike. Fyr Bal welcomes more than 35 vendors -- artisans, food sales, and non-profits. Starting in 2010, a 10’x10’ Bird City booth has been featured at the festival. The booth is sponsored by Peninsula State Park, the Village of Ephraim, and the Ephraim Business Council. The Bird City booth features birding literature and Bird City merchandise supplied by Bird City Wisconsin and Peninsula State Park. The purpose of the booth is to educate the public about Bird City Wisconsin’s mission and to highlight the unique benefits certification will bring to Ephraim and Peninsula State Park.